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[Standard Tests] 出售全套APEGA NPPE考试资料

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发表于 2015-5-24 21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
如题,出售APEGA National Professional Practice Examination考试用书和全套资料:
1 H1 }+ c8 Y8 c: c9 ]3 G2 O( ^9 |) H1 o
Canadian Professional Engineering and Geoscience: Practice and Ethics
. a9 N0 L/ D1 y8 `9 T. }# e, o& Q" kPractical Law of Architecture, Engineering, and Geoscience
3 M+ f3 F6 F* s0 B7 m/ M+ e% j还有checklist列出的所有打印资料
/ ?& i' R! j+ K0 F* V" F
! C, [) _0 P5 J& R0 ~* ~' [有兴趣请短信:5879388306或邮件:stevenddsjd@hotmail.com. 谢谢!
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