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[其他] Saint Leo University 圣里奥大学

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2016-1-6 10:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本科总费用:$35,894/年(包括食宿杂费等)) J7 Z; a1 s( R, C1 |& @, p5 [% ^. z& @
录取率:非常高/ U2 c8 {* d$ g0 r) w
TOEFL成绩要求:Yes(45): C' n/ L6 q; j4 F( v
雅思成绩要求: 5
# _3 y8 Y9 G% k3 t4 U1 M" D5 G' H是否需要SAT或ACT成绩:Not Required 不需要$ _( L+ b  s6 I- y; g# U
学校录取率:72%6 k4 U9 [% l8 z6 p
本科学生:22902 p9 ?! `- |' G
8 l( c( ]2 h6 k: K7 y5 a4 Y5 G提前录取(ED): 06月01日
: x# L( O8 H, [( e. K提前录取(ED2): 10月01日
) }+ Z0 I0 p. s% A+ W申请截止日:滚动招生2 v- H+ {3 X# X
; r0 \- g- K- j9 y3 \国际学生奖学金:有
8 f' p/ \6 G" c9 X6 I+ ?. g' ]申请材料清单
6 E9 i( V6 Q  ~/ W: m4 n( k0 Y申请表: 在线填写/邮寄
1 x- M( V/ f/ l/ t% b2 e附加申请表: Yes
& ?  `1 \7 Z; v奖学金申请方式: 自动申请
; s- I% A4 y9 K+ `7 G成绩单要求: 申请时提供原件+翻译件1 R1 {3 s2 q. ~' v, o6 D" b
推荐信: 提供一封推荐信2 e4 h; d4 g( b) j
申请Essay: 要求一篇
) `& z: ^/ X' h  v" c面试要求: 不需要面试( s' ?4 f# C1 @, O% Q. S
总费用: $35,8946 N( q2 v* Z: Q2 F% O7 N& F- i
每年学费,住宿,课本及其他费用% H/ \7 w! k% S( {. _2 M
费用细节5 d0 F8 n3 g! \3 `# o
6 o9 d' o7 Y- u" @$ f, ?年均食宿费:$9870
% e6 ?( d+ @8 k! D* G" x* N年均其他费用:$5874& D" _2 g1 X! x0 w" d3 O1 a
% J8 r; s0 L# }私立非盈利
# ~1 P+ y, y4 Y' w6 HFour-year) x' _, l5 c4 M5 F
区域类型为偏远地区1 Y; i) C  b& U* \  u
宗教 天主教
$ R6 t% k9 ^$ A$ Q% sStudent to Faculty Ratio15 to 1
3 Y" v5 a& n5 T0 o/ w9 ?9 }: x52%为女性
  E' ], u3 D/ `+ L8 ~0 }  O3 g: e. B# a9 `
& l- E( m+ r6 d/ N; u; M9 }/ z
5 Y3 ?0 l* q- f1 R! M. `7 P9 z4 U9 T" \3 {支持雅思成绩申请;圣里奥大学成立于1889年的圣里奥大学是一所综合性大学,拥有116年的悠久历史,是佛罗里达州第一所天主教大学。此外,该学校也是佛罗里达州私立大学联盟的成员之一,拥有良好的学术声誉。
  V2 v6 g1 j4 c# a  a1 p概况
& u9 v3 u% j& F' t3 A圣里奥大学成立于1889年,是一所顶尖的天主教大学。大学通过佛罗里达州坦帕地区的传统校园,受到地区认可的在线课程,教学中心和在线学位课程等为16000多名学生提供教学服务。圣里奥大学的注册学生分别来自50个州,哥伦比亚特区,4个美国岛屿地区及其他60多个国家。6 p' h# o; u* y+ M
, R& i: C& R, n/ |' \/ f* o
1. 在过去的5年中,《美国新闻与世界报道》将圣里奥大学列入美国南部顶尖区域大学,大学提供超过45种学术课程,其中包括副学士学位课程、学士学位课程、硕士学位课程和博士学位课程,另外还包括职业培训课程和快速通道课程。学生们一定能够找到一个自己喜爱的学术领域去投入热情,实现目标。 2. 圣里奥大学热带湖畔的校园坐落在佛罗里达州的中西部,是一个美丽而安全的地方,非常适合居住和学习。校园在坦帕市的北部,距离约为30分钟车程;在奥兰多的西部,距离约为90分钟车程,因此从圣里奥大学校园出发可以便利地到达主要的大都市区域。 3. 圣里奥大学拥有多样化的人文环境,学生来自于50个州、美国岛屿地区以及60多个不同国家。国际学生的人数占比为13%。
1 Q3 B% A) J2 ^% g  m强势专业:会计学 商业学 刑事司法 危急事件管理 教育学  x# ]! w, c! y- A) @$ B
- p+ r* C( Q0 i% Q- m
Ask:. }. j; A9 ~9 R3 B/ E# R
Does the school accept transfer credits?5 l7 r/ }- s- i7 @
How many courses do you need to take to graduate?/ g9 c$ \& x1 Z+ q. }& H: q
What is the total costof admission, tuition, books and other fees?5 d6 m. p5 E, @, t4 O
How much money does theschool spend on education materials versus recruitment and marketing?2 f' n% @0 {! J4 {  {% j, T  d5 k, t
& P% Q8 t( K, ?# o
Answer:3 K( f; P* ?9 v# D+ N, a
Saint Leo University’s registrar’s office will evaluate transcripts from any Regionally Accredited schools a student had previously attended.  It is up to the registrar’s office to decide which if any credits transfer over.  An Associate’s Degree is 60 credit hours, Bachelor’s degree is 120 credits.  Each class is 3 credit hours.  A student can take up to 2 classes per 8 week term.  We have 6 terms per year. Tuition is going to depend on which location you plan on attending, Main Campus, one of our Education Centers or 100% online.  We have a non-refundable application fee of $45.  Books are separate and depend on which class you are taking.  We do not limit you to our book store.  Many students save money by renting books.  Your last question is not my area of expertise.  Saint Leo University is a private not for profit school .  If you would like to look over tuition rates you can go to www.saintleo.net for the Main campus and centers.  www.online.saintleo.net for 100% online tuition information.  Please feel free to contact me by phone at 813-226-4878.  I would be happy to find out more about you and your goals to see how we can best assist you.
鲜花(83) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2016-1-6 10:37 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2016-1-14 21:25 | 显示全部楼层
smart007 发表于 2016-1-6 10:377 z8 M3 P2 {6 E

/ S3 z/ Z  E" L9 ~. F圣里奥大学通过文理学院、教育与社会服务学院和Donald R. Tapia商学院为学生提供超过45种学术课程,其中包括副学士学位课程、学士学位课程、硕士学位课程和博士学位课程,另外还包括职业培训课程和快速通道课程。
. N0 U/ S. a* h0 q  b6 D; Q/ E$ a强势专业:# N" F3 }  K0 K. [& a
会计学  _  }% |2 a& ]! a# ]; @: t
商业学& I$ V, t+ ^/ a8 i
( H6 X0 S3 k# N3 ~, v% i危急事件管理
7 O- b; M1 j1 z% q# r# `教育学! W  p( M1 o  V2 ~' f2 l
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2016-1-14 21:26 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
International Students
# ^3 N% t* w. U6 r5 J% @! @1 {4 ^Saint Leo University supports and celebrates the diversity of backgrounds and experiences that international students bring to the University.
& g2 a. g# K- Y" _Whether you are planning to enter college in the United States for the first time, looking to transfer credit from previous academic experience, or interested in furthering your education with a graduate degree, Saint Leo University welcomes you to our online programs.
0 f& ]  C5 ]* m; c; R
. `; X1 L+ N8 S' ^" F) i  _Application Process
4 \- v$ ?* l  U* m7 }To apply for enrollment in one of Saint Leo's online programs, follow the standard undergraduate or graduate application process, with the following additional steps:- A0 l' y$ e* j* u& N6 j
Pay your application fee with funds drawn from a U.S. bank and made payable in U.S. dollars. The one-time, nonrefundable fee is $45 for undergraduate programs, and $80 for graduate programs.
9 e# ?# T, T, o" Z! |* iHave your non-U.S. credits evaluated by an approved international transcript evaluation agency (a list of recommended agencies can be found below).& g7 ~" T; {/ c
Provide proof of English language proficiency, demonstrated in at least one of the following ways:4 Y. I/ |4 ^! E
A minimum score 550 (paper based) or 213 (computer based) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)( L; @6 @" f6 D. q6 p- {3 k* t
A minimum score of 450 on the verbal component of the SAT
; S% G. d4 M5 F- ^( |- m7 H: e6 pGrades of B or higher in English composition courses where English is the language of instruction" I! Q3 g1 {2 w" d# g& r
For transfer students, two semesters with grades of B or higher in English composition courses at regionally accredited post-secondary institutions in the United States
6 D3 p& _" f* B, J& ^; c, ]Successful completion of an Association of International Educators-recognized ESL program
; U; D( V; r5 H7 O7 W# w+ H, Q4 x, _* G, c
Transferring International Credit& o) L2 z6 X8 Y0 `* n3 v! F2 G
Saint Leo University recognizes all international diplomas and credits taken at accredited secondary and post-secondary institutions once all appropriate official documentation and credentials are received and translated (where necessary).
" J9 y, v. v0 y* f7 k% s, Z/ hCredit is granted in accordance with the Association of International Educators and the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO).1 p$ S& @; K) u! e! M
Students presenting diplomas indicating academic work beyond the high school level will have academic work evaluated by the Registrar. The Registrar will determine the exact number and nature of courses granted once the international evaluation is received.
鲜花(83) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2016-1-15 01:27 | 显示全部楼层
jingjoyo 发表于 2016-1-14 21:26
. Y! m0 m2 i4 r+ ?1 DInternational Students
* Z, W9 _4 W+ u; BSaint Leo University supports and celebrates the diversity of backgrounds an ...
' E8 b, }& P/ b8 f
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