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Year 2007 house price

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-12-18 21:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
House price is going to be higher in 2007# ~" ^( ^* p- \) M; f

/ d1 e$ h0 w1 v- X+ h' Y8 A9 D7 p, C- A2 T& T1 g  R8 X
Year 2007 will be the 2nd good year for real estate in last 30 year. All the real estate in Canada are beliving econormical booming will bring up the price of real estate of Alberta. As data shown from Alberta real estate investment associationg that the increasing will be more than 10% for 2007 and 8% for next 3years.
( Q* u, n5 A4 Q9 N" b5 Gby Analysis the trend of house price, the method using by invest is to find fundment factor. The most improtant factor is the migrant number. For 2006, so many people move to ALberta and that is why the house goes high. For next few years, this number will be continue increasing. If you do not believe, you can just look aroud people near you. How many familes are moved here last year and how many will move recently. All of people need a place to live, whatever house or apartment. This drive the house and rent goes high.
, v' }# S, i( g) U' WPeople like to believe what they want to be true. However, if you put your emotion aside, you see the factor. Let see you are not owner of a house, you most likely to believe the price is too high and will be drop. Like several peole here always say "drop and drop". I believe they are not the house owner so far. / K, j+ `9 [. Z5 a$ ~+ W1 L' t
And just oppsite, the owner of house, especially the owner of seeral houses, like to believe the price is up and up.' z# ?; ~* \& J0 C" I
If you analysys it, put you emotion aside.
0 R+ ~+ F( Z7 SUS house market is not Canadian and not ALberta either. For lst two month, the sales of house is dwon on the quanitity. And most of people believe the price goes dwon also. However, the factor is just oppsite. In edmonton, the single houses and townhouse are continue to increasing, condo is dwon on October and up again in Novenber. Even though the sales volume is down comparing to months before, it still 40% larger than last year. Especially this month, the sales volume start to increase aparently. Did you see something from the data. If I am not wrong, the price will go up again after March in Edmonton.
1 S# ~: F' V4 u6 r* R1 }" J0 r6 x
It may be true the price will come down someday, but not next year.4 b0 H+ D, D+ a0 }- y5 \/ m% ?
& ^  Y/ m) P, X' F! J) N% ?6 y
Please forgive my poor Englis when you read it.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-18 21:32 | 显示全部楼层
November 2006 activity Record for the month* % change from November 2005 + p8 Z" E/ `3 A4 c
Total MLS® sales this month 1,781* 8.14% 2 z' Q" k# f" H: _
Value of total MLS® sales - month $546 million* 58.20% & A% l' Z% H, H
Value of total MLS® sales - year $6.21 billion* 54.20%
. k) Y* i5 s% a3 n3 v. }1 rResidential¹ sales this month 1,574* 8.93%
2 a; O/ p! B6 T) B) EResidential average price $282,434* 42.50%
$ Y! f% l! Q$ CSFD² average selling price - month $334,039* 47.70%
1 g' t, d3 X$ K+ p7 q$ u# k1 aSFD² median³ selling price $320,000* 48.80%
) E2 m+ N$ T$ ^; ]( O/ eCondo average selling price $212,596* 45.30%
5 q7 G) S# R# N
0 O! \' s& Q4 @  m0 P¹. Residential includes SFD, condos and duplex/row houses. ) r# w5 M+ m5 R3 I" Z$ C+ O
². Single Family Dwelling 5 M3 U. o2 z) F) _& T+ _$ d; _8 S: d
³. The middle figure in a list of all sales prices
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-12-21 08:10 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 万元户 于 2006-12-18 20:08 发表
! f. S) s6 j2 i% ~+ e/ U7 w8 EYear 2007 will be the 2nd good year for real estate in last 30 year. All the real estate in Canada are beliving econormical booming will bring up the price of real estate of Alberta. As data shown from Alberta real estate investment associationg that the increasing will be more than 10% for 2007 and 8% for next 3years.

3 `$ V' L) H! u$ y8 M& m0 c1 Q$ W3 X, A5 E4 a
1) You mean "2nd best year?"$ f* \. m: r* g5 F4 q( y

# v) I# V7 j; y) b( p  c2) That is not possible. During the late 70s, housing price increased at a rate of 30% per year. How on earth can 10% be "2nd good (best) year?" Heck, even 2005 was more than that.
; n4 b1 K( W  @" v, y! X: |
6 F* Y5 G1 F! n7 }- v; Q; ~3) 2007 will be the "2nd best" in 2 years. That's for sure.
- c3 M: @& z' e& \. M% J! i/ k- Z0 c0 F$ p+ x# @
[ 本帖最后由 Z 于 2006-12-21 07:11 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-21 22:19 | 显示全部楼层

Please see the quote of the statistics

老杨团队 追求完美
Retail sales increases based on a recent Bank of Montreal report (ending October 2006)
' @0 R+ E- f$ r$ p, C6 f* [! o' J  h/ [) I2 q
-- 2006 Actual --
9 V! b2 {4 i4 j4 C* JCAN............(6.8%)2 @2 w* Y- O" R  ~/ V4 L5 r+ P. H$ ]
" Z& j# ^1 k! x( [AB ............. (16.5%)  *** Above National Growth% `3 W9 B% z" S" E2 E$ b
SK...............(6.3%); M9 b" a9 e7 O& u
, f& q9 s9 G6 h4 T1 J, _" PON ..............(4.9%)
  @* f: ?9 [3 r8 P: f. @QC...............(5.0%)
+ _; S/ h% V4 m! e4 BNB ..............(5.8%)  h. Z, f6 Z7 R
NS ...............(6.7%)
7 _4 \/ \. }3 E# F0 v' QPE...............(4.3%)3 O( R8 {, [$ W  J  q+ O
: ]( H9 [5 y/ _
) n. i7 V& G2 m7 Q0 b*** only one market in Canada exceeded the national average.  This is a very healthy number to
; Q) c9 I( t- Q4 r( x, v  k2 dlook at, but what is more interesting to note is the forecasted growth in retail sales for the next
) e; s1 `  L9 W; c0 l) x1 A( o+ Kfour years.  BC and Nova Scotia also show strength in this indicator.
1 ], `8 s$ d6 J* o) I2 ~
9 F' `* b) E7 C6 {5 a-- 2007 Forecast --
2 I! G* y: n+ g. D& XCAN. . . . . . . . (6.2%)
9 S! j" v! H9 Y, L2 u4 m% YBC . . . . . . . . (6.3%)  ! n( `1 A! q+ J7 y! A% L! N/ ?
AB . . . . . . . . (12.0%). g5 {! n: |/ x: y
SK . . . . . . . . (5.6%)6 e  H. ]) a( G
MB . . . . . . . . (5.5%)0 }: ]) W1 I4 d" Z3 t
ON . . . . . . . . (4.9%)
# y2 X; [' h" rQC . . . . . . . . (4.9%)  ~6 E, V$ E& f' R2 p% Z( E
NB . . . . . . . . (5.1%)+ N' Y& ~8 S0 Q6 J" B8 w5 w
NS . . . . . . . . (5.6%): W5 R( z" i' Y& |3 q2 I
PE . . . . . . . . (4.3%)
+ N7 W8 U, v9 H4 b) h8 J+ X5 s% FNF . . . . . . . . (3.8%)% s2 B/ [* i) }( v" `) A0 B8 m; `4 Z
1 {! Z% P* j4 d' Y& Q( F& m0 G
The short term forecast indicates the pace of retail sales growth in Alberta is bound to slow
3 b5 d( ]# t" ^; U6 X7 ^' s/ V; L: Psomewhat but will still be double the National average and significantly outpace all other provinces 0 T' o. d8 W9 s" n1 m! Z0 G8 d  p
in the country.  BC will still show strength in 2008 - 2010
鲜花(86) 鸡蛋(3)
发表于 2006-12-22 01:14 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(150) 鸡蛋(3)
发表于 2006-12-22 12:37 | 显示全部楼层
希望能看到你的10月以后的统计数据,我觉得肯定低于平均数。其实,从8月到12月,就应该低于平均数。; n: M* x3 J" u% x# R+ y3 [; i
  h8 B6 N$ R: b4 m) I4 {( t
; |. q, r1 O# M/ A! \  V" F, C
原帖由 万元户 于 2006-12-21 21:19 发表8 U" K% I$ A( o) R9 O
Retail sales increases based on a recent Bank of Montreal report (ending October 2006)0 {/ h) J4 ?* q/ Q8 e: F* {+ P$ Y

, f- D4 }7 \& k) R-- 2006 Actual --
* }5 A7 M  m2 ]: i6 @CAN............(6.8%)
  j+ S* _8 L9 W5 o3 u( EBC...............(6.7%)  % \3 k: D9 t$ H* B6 n
AB ............. (16.5%)  *** Above Average8 y9 \6 }" A8 ~' H7 K7 {* k
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-1-6 23:55 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-1-6 23:55 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-1-8 00:11 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 醉酒当歌 于 2006-12-22 12:37 发表# B7 z0 o% J( _# ^- [# _
希望能看到你的10月以后的统计数据,我觉得肯定低于平均数。其实,从8月到12月,就应该低于平均数。3 Z( n8 k3 I% q! M+ o

( X& d; P' b3 V/ c- j: [0 h7 X  M; |9 y4 X6 W
! M* t2 w8 ?" W. [
) X. [! z) G4 o" L1 p% J) E7 b
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