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鲜花(150) 鸡蛋(3)
发表于 2007-2-22 23:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
3 \) B6 U& b. S9 o
2 J' G6 u* M0 U3 d: MJ.D. POWER 的质量长期跟踪报告(2002-2005), ?0 T1 n* K2 h# b

+ D6 U7 Y% T( \  z3 p5 b--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" \& }8 O+ J; X! [* a
J.D. POWER以前只跟踪出厂90天的质量问题报告, 但是现在已经是跟踪三年了, 数据应该会更加科学和准确6 }- `2 U/ g- c6 r; X

/ Y* ~4 X7 A3 q' I1 v那么过去三年内(2002-2005), 平均每一百辆车, 各个牌子到底REPORT了多少个质量问题呢?
* x) g( |* U& h# i# X. o
8 Z7 a6 K7 @# `3 v/ G# p5 s来自J.D. POWER的质量长期跟踪报告的答案是: TOYOTA 194个问题, HONDA 201个问题, FORD 231个问题, CHRYSLER 235个问题, 质量是有差距的, 但是并非天地之别, 平均1.94个问题一辆车, 对比2.35个问题一辆车
1 o4 Y3 j; L0 x. R
. s4 U- Z* J2 I那么GM的数据呢? 嘿嘿, GM集团比较巨大, 属下牌子众多, BUICK, CADILLAC都是位于前5名, 其中的中档车品牌BUICK以区区163个问题, 领先了TOYOTA好几名, 另一著名大众品牌CHEVROLET是232个问题
6 u  a8 M) P) S7 W. G& r0 ]' j4 Q) `9 R6 p+ t. q
What are the most reliable vehicles? 2005 study results
: y* t7 h+ @" C# L+ C0 ]2 F8 W6 B4 K# B0 j; a
The 2005 Vehicle Dependability Study, from J.D. Power & Associates, measures problems experienced by original owners of three-year-old (2002 model-year) vehicles. For consumers, the VDS offers insight into the reliability and dependability of brands and specific models as they approach the end of a typical warranty period. Here are Top Vehicles by Category in the 2005 J.D. Power Vehicle Dependability Study.
- c, H) U0 g7 o
1 z# z1 }+ j3 hCompact Car: Chevrolet Prizm (This model was not sold in Canada, however it was the mechanical twin of the Toyota Corolla.)& P4 O. L( E) D
Entry Midsize Car: Chevrolet Malibu
4 _# |) k" c8 o; wPremium Midsize Car: Buick Century
. u! V! k7 g- [3 }5 o  q! o; xFull-Size Car: Buick LeSabre4 F0 T* Y0 V! O1 k2 U8 _# ]( P4 G
Entry Luxury: Ford Thunderbird
& O  Y/ ~1 k/ T' p- A9 ^Mid Luxury Car: Lincoln Town Car1 t5 m- o8 J( {5 e
Premium Luxury Car: Lexus LS 4306 X3 U3 C+ y6 m9 H3 W0 o
Sporty Car: Mazda Miata! y" S: Q* w5 y5 t. I
Premium Sports Car: Porsche 9114 U: ]: H% F: i
Midsize Pickup: Chevrolet S-10 Pickup3 |. u3 [! A: J, `1 }7 w. y
Light Duty Full-Size Pickup: Cadillac Escalade EXT/ r, c1 G- r) D' p/ g
Heavy Duty Full-Size Pickup: Chevrolet Silverado HD
* [; A! Z) G3 J/ U: [" K7 yEntry SUV: Honda CR-V
5 c" D% P2 o, g2 u2 nMidsize SUV: Toyota 4Runner& P3 [. `  x/ Y. N6 V+ d3 }  V
Full-Size SUV: GMC Yukon/GMC Yukon XL
; Z% f9 P$ ~2 rEntry Luxury SUV: Lexus RX 300
0 a! B7 |6 O* [: a$ iPremium Luxury SUV: Lexus LX 470
- \) k( N% O% u6 [* d4 U( oMidsize Van: Ford Windstar2 k+ }; g6 }) \' H6 r
Full-Size Van: Ford E-Series
& x  E! h6 I4 e/ s4 n
5 [# Q+ S& Z) B; l1 s- j5 Q0 [  jSee below for the top three models in each category, get a top-to-bottom ranking of all nameplates, and read the background on the study here. Here are some of the details of the J.D. Power 2005 Vehicle Dependability Study, which shows the most reliable vehicles after three years of ownership (rankings are of 2002 models).9 S  f* s" D1 U9 ~1 d9 c  z. G
0 m' h3 ?  `* x+ n6 O" F. e- [
- Top vehicles by category# K8 N1 n& G& e& y
- Top nameplates
+ [# J4 o& P. ?- Ranking of all nameplates; D1 a- q* e( G
- Background on the study.: T" Q3 |; ]/ |
9 T4 s! W, L: z0 k& J

1 |; \, T# {7 O8 L- E6 J. W TOP 3 VEHICLES BY CATEGORY (2002 models)
1 M1 {& f6 h& M  E% t& w; H) U' s1 u* H5 E, f

8 C- r3 I2 M! v3 u: ?* W1 n2002 Chevrolet Prizm is the top Compact Car. This model is not sold in Canada, although it is the mechanical twin of the Toyota Corolla. A 2005 Toyota Corolla is shown.Compact Car*9 D; [8 q6 y% C* R
1. Chevrolet Prizm (not sold in Canada, although it is the mechanical twin of the Toyota Corolla)
8 R- `9 Q0 j& U2 J2. Toyota ECHO" t( t- Z. n& s( `+ I
3. Toyota Prius
7 ?0 I- }9 t" k% v* Includes the Entry Compact Car and Premium Compact Car segments
7 m- Z" e5 `; K/ `4 ^" X- L& M# X! }/ z4 v0 d5 u! o/ }- m1 Y

* b% ^4 `, C* Q- n, Y5 m; E
  r& |% j; K4 Q$ C& B4 x5 M! a& z0 j) }1 S$ ~' s

8 g1 X( M! Y7 g* t9 c2002 Chevrolet Mailibu is the top Entry Midsize Sedan in the 2005 VDS study. 2002 model shown.Entry Midsize Car7 }) g) S8 D! w
1. Chevrolet Malibu
/ U8 Q1 A% l9 D2 n; F$ Q% l2. Oldsmobile Alero
7 y0 M. P; n9 X; h5 r7 y3. Hyundai Sonata4 g7 n. d, ]$ V/ ?( C

0 `: y, q* [0 _4 [5 D
8 d1 ~0 k: @: G, C! h% e
4 ]6 F) I) N/ Y" h% ^* ?" G, U& @* i- n2 ?/ b( E$ D: Z
2002 Buick Century is top vehicle in the Premium Midsize Car category. 2005 model shown.Premium Midsize Car3 {; J  s  J- H2 b6 z
1. Buick Century
  R0 H9 s( U' ~2. Buick Regal
1 Y/ M  f+ c& y& E3. Toyota Avalon
. r0 w) h& p4 v8 q& q$ x7 [$ F; U. {1 m% e* R, ~( Y
0 T/ e  n# ~7 H! j* \

  _, ~( q& i2 G7 k2 M9 W
& @7 E: l  j  @: ]: b+ \" j" x; U2002 Buick LeSabre is top vehicle in the Fullsize Car category. 2002 model shown.Full-Size Car. J; N0 R1 B+ V/ F8 y( Y
1. Buick LeSabre( b' I& U' A" b, u+ d% s  u
2. Ford Crown Victoria
' a2 P/ o4 O0 w* Z/ S3. Mercury Grand Marquis4 N, y$ u7 S7 k! K% g0 g+ M

8 A% r& H1 j" e1 E* R! Z: B( l9 X! M/ F7 X$ a
) Q% C4 ]# u8 {! {" Z6 ~
# `( O; Q' b% n
2002 Ford Thunderbird is the top Entry Luxury category model. 2002 model shown. The Thunderbird was discontinued in July 2005.Entry Luxury+ i" X7 b& F& |7 C) U3 p9 j
1. Ford Thunderbird
- C& y( ]8 P0 h5 [: J5 O9 G2. Lincoln LS7 g( R# b# W& x4 |7 q6 u
3. Infiniti I35# p# V/ g+ `1 I) i0 J
5 k3 n4 D3 M2 r& j

. X- A: q3 x, b  i: a4 k6 @) B" t; l( W! w# X
1 V9 k  [3 y  G! o; D" N% ?9 p

% l) M: N, _' r! c/ b2002 Lincoln Town Car is the top Mid-Luxury Car. 2006 model shown.Mid Luxury Car*2 J3 j6 t- a: m0 [0 y" D! d
1. Lincoln Town Car
6 W" h' ^, ^; o! R+ {8 J2. Lexus GS 300/GS 430
6 i* ?% G. b1 b) g6 K' l8 c3. Buick Park Avenue9 }! t4 g; m: J2 n! w& k
** Includes the Premium Luxury Car and Luxury Sport Car segments.
9 b; S( \! g: T% n7 F
: G* B, S9 B5 `8 d7 [6 k3 f+ S& P
& R2 U! u3 ~) p. x+ V

! A! R. H) G& q7 V2002 Lexus 430 is the top Premium Luxury Car. 2005 model shown.Premium Luxury Car$ X5 {+ ~  g) I. N' i0 d& C
1. Lexus LS 4309 q% F" x) x, R" I
2. Lexus SC 430% H7 e  u4 S( l
3. Cadillac Eldorado
" w6 L0 E0 q5 ~% Z" l- \1 J  O  f8 M& \$ F4 D5 F
) z2 p. f) u- y
6 `- j$ ^. i5 B& ~" x& {
7 Y/ B4 A( e6 Q
2002 Mazda Miata is the top Sporty Car. 2005 model shown.Sporty Car
4 A. [4 l( b2 |  M, I* J1 O1. Mazda Miata
; f  k9 I+ T5 {* Z2. Chevrolet Camaro
6 K4 [) g$ _5 U3. Toyota MR2 Spyder (not available in Canada)! ]0 d6 M6 Z. O0 D9 ^0 A7 @
+ \: Q' [; N% Y/ h6 ?6 S

. T1 i) V7 {: U$ }; r
  L8 E. J* I5 G* K
* D: u& p6 }% Z* k$ M* o4 z2002 Porsche 911 is the top Premium Sports Car.Premium Sports Car$ N! f4 I  o& r+ u# E% H9 A, p
1. Porsche 911
, V- k( D& A3 z  k9 Y* m5 Q1 X2, Honda S2000& ^+ F: m; P& k/ Q% r
3. Chevrolet Corvette
4 A" u  h, I1 h; i4 ?: U6 I
' z  M0 ?+ j2 C( o+ @% T- \5 S( a0 m" n, u3 e8 C  ?
9 B, a+ y: R- y

5 F2 j/ ?3 ?$ ~; n1 L2002 Chevrolet S-10 is the top Midsize Pickup. Shown is the 2002 ZR2 Extended Cab model.Midsize Pickup% X& v. P1 H1 {0 h% a. e6 S
1. Chevrolet S-10 Pickup# j% ^  M  `3 q) {) M  c1 n
2. GMC Sonoma; U4 \4 x( ?( B! g1 b
3. Toyota Tacoma
' j" T7 M/ o1 u0 ~3 Y( U- q/ L6 d3 M3 ?6 J! T" R
5 N8 l" E/ E: j) W

$ ?8 t/ F" Z. o9 w9 i2002 Cadillac Escalade EXT is the top Light Duty Full-Size Pickup. 2002 model shown.Light Duty Full-Size Pickup
3 v/ o) k4 G4 W7 ]- \; F8 }1. Cadillac Escalade EXT
. ^! ]/ |* @  c% n- L) r2. Ford F-150 LD
$ g# S! \/ B" `  m1 Z$ y$ f3. Toyota Tundra" D# O+ @# x& E* f  g$ S0 S
- x+ K- p% ?; ~2 h3 h9 N, }8 h

1 R8 P# f. ?- H6 x; S$ O# h8 f. r

: ~$ x4 F3 p7 d" Y! O& Q
: j2 G4 ~" G4 ^' e+ J2002 Chevrolet Silverado HD is the top Heavy Duty Full-Size Pickup. 2005 model shown.Heavy Duty Full-Size Pickup1 v1 G. _7 V8 q/ f* J% R
1. Chevrolet Silverado HD
. g4 e  E  Z7 ?8 X2. Ford F-250/F-350 Super Duty
9 p* K- ^! c3 H. v0 w3 r3. GMC Sierra HD& N9 u+ V7 e" A( S+ `5 _" ~

( [2 p+ n' k  ]0 A. `. K5 \7 Z" p5 p4 N: D+ l! y  @) ~

$ E& u; [1 d2 b" q7 X$ s6 u
" R" K+ L) v1 l% i2002 Honda CR-V is the top Entry SUV. 2005 model shown.Entry SUV" f3 m& K& |( z. Z. a
1. Honda CR-V
% ?" {( y1 s8 O% G- |4 t# r8 [2. Toyota RAV4/ e% v/ @. L* ?4 q
3. Jeep Liberty
: [2 W  k$ k9 m" [% Q
: b2 P, K) M$ x  _- I; v- _( U% j+ U* C3 t7 R' q) e

* u; J8 N; e, y) ?: l/ K% D2002 Toyota 4Runner is the top Midsize SUV. 2005 model shown.Midsize SUV
2 v% K7 N1 {) y% s$ {* @4 R& d1. Toyota 4Runner9 P( n8 c; R. Y
2. Toyota Highlander# ?) O* m% J) Z& B* p
3. Ford Explorer (Total)
% m9 O4 V9 K9 S4 [7 e7 ^  b3 J4 z
" A" |, p/ @" h
+ V0 Y  y. x  `$ V1 J% ^4 N+ d1 ^/ O/ |% z
/ H! T) I! i' K, m
2002 GMC Yukon/Yukon XL is rated the top Full-Size SUV. 2002 model shown.Full-Size SUV4 e+ h1 n8 J5 c2 b
1. GMC Yukon/GMC Yukon XL& m2 L% _) g, t# P
2. Ford Expedition (tie); Z3 p$ f( _6 x# I7 q
3. Toyota Sequoia (tie): a' U; d8 i4 m9 j( o2 O; e# V

+ L0 x/ \: b8 R+ W+ t2 P, @' \2 @
  Y, s% m4 g; J3 f+ j2 F6 w
5 ~0 K/ U; b6 P0 G9 C0 p  y3 J7 d' l7 z/ Y$ ]
8 C* I1 P+ @5 g: s5 ~1 q
2002 Lexus RX 300 is the top Entry Luxury SUV. Model shown is a 2005 Lexus RX 330.Entry Luxury SUV3 W* s' m, H) i9 i3 R
1. Lexus RX 300: s+ c7 y* a+ [/ i4 I8 G
2. Acura MDX3 m+ B7 y: V7 e+ v
3. Infiniti QX4
6 j# @$ z, E4 G2 B2 |: y/ S
6 _" A2 w2 `. o. B9 y6 o  `8 l: z) R9 P% s/ c
  }9 }- z' {+ R4 P, w: c) p* j9 H
3 x, X. t9 ^; j9 {
2002 Lexus LX 470 is the top Premium Luxury SUV. 2005 model is shown.Premium Luxury SUV  k, s1 Y  U' N8 l7 _" y5 s5 y
1. Lexus LX 470' B6 [# N+ K7 O3 P" R* k
2. Cadillac Escalade (tie)
( N. x$ m: X/ ]3. Lincoln Navigator (tie)
& [! z. N: x9 j" i: i4 S5 |5 i' s
: H- w2 N$ Z1 z- {1 r6 {; j
3 c! M+ {# |8 h1 J  L1 x9 V2 e4 U. ?. F
6 p6 {: a' f, G8 h  t/ d2 U" y3 e* K$ O
2002 Ford Windstar is the top Midsize Van in vehicle dependability ratings.Midsize Van2 O2 f8 v( r$ ^2 [
1. Ford Windstar
$ h5 l, X+ H: ]3 B, {( @2. Toyota Sienna  o4 M* V7 N+ E
3. Mercury Villager% z0 D( T7 h; S* g3 A9 S1 B" u

6 C0 ?# e& z* f" z
+ b% u- R8 p# U) J( T- x( ?! ?3 o* Q# Z; v' M2 M5 ]9 ?9 w  W5 M7 X
2002 Ford E-Series is the top Midsize Van in the 2005 vehicle dependability study.Full-Size Van4 h" P4 C- j( r! C5 j
1. Ford E-Series) T( M; e- i; L& [# B. b
2. Chevrolet Express
: c7 ]% F7 U7 \$ M# w: ^# ^- o3. Dodge Ram Van! n8 N2 d+ h4 _
' Z* e0 h& |9 ?. b9 O' \$ ^
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