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开放日(OPEN House)2-4pm10月21日(周日)Windsor Park奢华美宅、三层精致布局,超....

鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2018-8-28 23:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 房屋信息发布 于 2018-10-17 13:38 编辑 * ^* m7 o7 j/ v! ^' W, x
& U# O/ O% L" A" _
地址:8942 116 St NW
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8 {$ {" Z! b9 _& ~$ w$ Y; E# H" J+ i: a+ t; j) G/ W* ~
联系方式:老杨团队 + o3 t$ y* M4 G( O
: \" n8 [/ ]+ R9 G4 {3 X2 X9 j0 L
- k# x* p3 T' B6 F. I0 T& ^) C0 N& ~  f
1.jpg 5 n; Q  S$ Q3 j5 h: v' q
8 Z. V, G/ F7 @/ W5 t( j: f5 a
爱城顶级好区Windsor Park独家暗盘,提前预售!
; c( X! o9 g- f0 l# A, l# f* b4 r1 \# ]' Q4 r
尊崇华府坐拥2280平尺生活空间,坐落在顶级旺区一条绿树成荫的静逸街道上,轻推南窗在阳光中,俯瞰绿意冉冉。建筑设计独具匠心,将多样性和风格完美结合,三层高端美宅,外设超大空中花园,隐私性强,有可移动deck和假草,易于打理,实用性强!- U3 i% g7 T  j- b

6 q' ~/ P8 i! g5 J: L4 ^7 p全屋极具设计感,整体豪装,专业集成吊顶,大理石墙贯穿,全Stucco外墙保温性极佳,真正冬暖夏凉!双温控系统,全新全新touch屏温控表、全自动高端百叶窗(1 year Warranty),全屋灯饰整体升级——全LED照明,省电节能、点亮幸福!% a: b6 B, w2 F6 I; o0 n) I& t
3 h6 L3 O( Z, _- P6 H
主层开放式设计,超宽超长Walnut实木地板,令足下步步生辉!专业美食厨房、寸寸珠玑——超大石英饭岛熠熠生辉,典雅橱柜汽车烤漆,工艺精赞,设计优良,Handle free,一体性干净整洁;全套德国Miele Build in家电(带洗碗机、36\'\' Build in冰箱、微波炉、烤箱和Warming drawer),两年保修;还有德国制造的Fotile 36\'\'全智能 high tech触摸屏抽油烟机和大火力Cooktop;Electrolux洗衣机,是目前市场上口碑最好的“尖货”,真正省水节能又环保!Orange的整面无缝钢化防火玻璃Backsplash,好打理清洁,整洁 有特色;配有欧洲最出名设计Flower Pot设计的橙色吊灯,步入厨房,令人眼前一亮、怦然心动!轻推餐厅侧门可直达甲板,纵览后院美景!主层还配备了2pc卫浴间和衣物存储室,满足您一切宜居所需!
/ s; @2 a3 R; y2 G) h  _$ H* R3 k/ P  r% S  v9 `9 h3 b
缓步二楼,三间宽敞卧室。主卧设有超大订制更衣间、精致卫浴套间、正面大理石无缝墙面(防水已做好),细节到位,还配备了超大可步入式淋浴房,您可凭窗纵览绿树成荫,美景盎然!主卫浴间另有两处独立分水槽,洗手间莹润全升级大镜面,于细节处呵护您的每一分舒适居住体验!: m$ _. v6 f/ b- d6 J4 u0 ]* x9 d* C

% ]8 F% Z0 V/ ]9 n2 I拾级而上,三楼别有洞天!300多平尺奢华浪漫平顶,让阳光轻吻脸颊,令配有独立便利卫生间,实为会友恳谈的绝佳之选!
' G' z6 ?% _9 |
) K  a2 M+ N/ \" Z" m9 W2 |- U( x5 w真正品质美宅,将轻奢蕴藏在每一分细节中——比如德国Blum品牌的拉抽五金;比如正门门铃设有监控系统可连接手机,随心查看……更多精彩,唯有身临其境,更能体会其难以言说之妙!
( u  g8 x" h5 x( h! X
, |. I! B! }" H& M稳居河谷之心,咫尺DT繁华!轻抵Whyte Avenue、Hawrelak Park、 U of A。- v; H! t" v! x  Q; W& Z
; \- O$ L" Q, d3 h% x- Z: o1 d
一次驻足,一生流连。# J% _+ H4 s4 W- |9 K
" j9 ^8 y2 v0 W" s6 W
Nestled in prestigious Windsor Park! With a south exp. on a tree lined street,this 2280 sq.ft. home is a perfect convergence of style and sophistication through all 3 levels including the huge rooftop patio.
- d$ a/ r" |$ f4 U6 t' T6 y! p# w( j- @
Designed with a contemporary flare, the residence is generously appointed with premium finishings. Including integrated professional appliance package, huge slabs of marble wall for the ensuite, rooftop garden, dual temperature control system, blinds with motorization control, LED lighting throughout etc. ' U+ {" o. A5 ^; D) K/ v! b; O
' u1 D, v2 c* j/ x! G) }0 b
The main flr is an open concept, The chef\'s kitchen features huge quartz islands, handle free cabinetry, Miele appliance package, Fotile high tech touch screen range hood, Orange\'s seamless tempered glass backsplash. dining area w/ doors out to deck. Mudroom and 2pce bath. 6 d; ?& n' k0 t8 a

  f( ^& G: x% C' ^3 y* bUpstairs has 3 good sized bdrms. Master has huge walk in dressing room, lovely ensuite, a gorgeous feature wall w/huge slabs of marble, quartz details, large walk in shower, oversized windows to enjoy view of the mature trees in the area. Main bath also has 2 sinks, nice laundry room. Upstairs on level 3 has a fantastic roof top deck w/south sun next to loft area. Bonus space to enjoy w/friends, family. Experience life in the heart of the River Valley, mere moments from downtown, Whyte Avenue, Hawrelak Park, and the U of A.
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& M$ s) T5 Y" s+ O& o' O来源: Windsor Park独家暗盘、提前预售!三层极致美宅超大空中花园,稳居河谷之心!
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2018-9-13 15:38 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(23) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2018-9-14 09:27 | 显示全部楼层
请教:什么事独家暗盘?  为什么这么新的房子没有车库?
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2018-10-17 11:58 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
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