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[爱城新闻] 你赞成联合保守党的教育计划吗?

鲜花(23) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2019-3-29 09:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Zhujiaolian 于 2019-3-29 09:37 编辑
/ c. \  f( g& l
  F% w+ W4 P- N, e# v0 dUCP education plan would change landscape for students, teachers1 h$ J9 @, l1 x- p/ Z; W
  联合保守党如果省选取胜,其教育计划将影响到学生、教师和学校 (根据CBC新闻报道)9 T! V& h( p2 E! t1 d

/ M/ }4 Y  K* Z3 q/ E, JWide-ranging plan would affect everything from exams to GSAs
1 W0 r0 Z7 D# s; BKim Trynacity · CBC News · Posted: Mar 29, 2019 6:00 AM MT- i+ u/ P5 A+ D% d- x- F; d
8 @. t( n" i+ g  n
Under a UCP education model young children would be tested more often to determine how they are doing in school. 对学生进行必要的考试以考察学生在校学习的成绩. g) _  X8 F* Q1 q8 l
: u: s, k% S0 N2 ^
The United Conservative Party's education platform would, if implemented, bring about changes in the classroom for students, teachers and parents.
4 Q! M4 g, B& E1 b5 H"It's time to bring common sense to education," UCP Leader Jason Kenney said this week in announcing his plan, which has a focus on improving student performance.
' g: n! \! T2 q9 z0 _7 y/ \0 P" KHere's a rundown of the ways the UCP education platform could have an impact.- j* e' W5 I& D$ f
: p9 s& \" q8 s& O/ x# g8 r
Grade 12 diploma exams 高三毕业考试成绩与平时成绩将五五分成 (现行政策是平时成绩占7省考占3)( O1 x/ c( Q2 `- Y& |/ o
Right now, Grade 12 students' final marks are based 70 per cent on class work, and 30 per cent on a diploma exam at the end of the school year.
5 j0 w0 D/ _# d6 o' n' ?: s6 GIf Kenney becomes the premier, he wants to return to a 50-50 split between course work and the diploma exam. The previous Progressive Conservative government switched to the 70-30 split two months before the 2015 election.( ~" D8 Z2 s. f3 L5 w

8 X! ^, A: v9 g% p" y' ^+ Y3 TGrade 3 provincial achievement tests 小学三年级仍旧进行省考(现行政策是三年级基本上不考,有一个考试是老师根据情况决定是否考)3 E8 T5 @; K  Q0 ]. H, |
Provincial achievement tests are administered to all Alberta students in Grade 6 and Grade 9, according to Alberta Education.+ {' \  t% O4 m5 k# w+ ?
The tests are a way to "determine if students are learning what they are expected to learn," Alberta Education said on its website.$ c7 Y0 M+ c1 Z  Y( {- f: z
Kenney wants to see more assessment for younger students.
$ Q7 f, {" {2 X) \/ I3 l( `If UCP forms the government, Kenney said he would bring back Grade 3 achievement tests and implement language and math assessments for students in Grade 1, Grade 2 and Grade 3.# j6 N8 z; S4 D  W# f- m

, v  Q0 G$ O' u( r) ZMore teacher testing 增加对老师的考核
- C& M% s- f$ d5 wThe UCP wants schools and teachers to be more accountable for student performance.. T, J/ E/ W8 I5 r
Teachers are routinely assessed through ongoing professional development and "growth supervision evaluation," said ATA president Greg Jeffery. That allows teachers to identify areas where they feel they need more training.
( C$ n8 i  s# N9 }, y9 v9 uThe UCP wants to ensure teachers have expertise in the subjects they are teaching.% M( P$ h% _) h3 o0 @; O
The plan also calls for expanding the ability of schools to bring in non-university educated instructors who have specific areas of expertise, to teach shop classes or trades, for example.) m3 T0 ~. q: _6 P: D8 Q1 U- B7 v. S

; B2 h$ k3 V1 c- c/ w+ SCharter schools 取消特许学校的数量限制(现行限量是全省15所,已有13所 - 注:每所可以有多于一个校址)- C  k8 t' ^0 ?5 G) l8 c! J
There are currently 13 charter schools in Alberta.4 J! g) a7 V0 n- S- ?: q: T# f
The number of charters was capped at 15 by the Progressive Conservative government when the legislation was adopted in 1994.+ J; D/ t0 i) z# s( x% ]* E
The UCP would lift that cap.2 _% a1 A8 i6 }! w3 q2 h6 r
In 2002, the regulations were amended to allow a school to operate multiple locations under one name. For example, the Foundations for the Future charter school has seven campuses in Calgary.       , }6 v/ v( k$ h; ^
Such schools emphasize "innovative methods of instruction; opportunities for meaningful parental involvement; a safe, caring and responsive environment," according to the Association of Alberta Charter Schools.% y; x$ E& Z, ~
Charter schools, which receive public funding, have the right to refuse a student for enrolment, and the boards are not publicly elected, Jeffery said.
1 J; d8 R& j9 d2 t6 TTeachers in charter schools aren't required to be members of the ATA. (特许学校老师不必是省教师协会会员 - 此区别于公立和天主教学校
2 r3 d7 t- _" n5 _) A) F: K% Q$ Y+ E9 x' }
Funding 教育资金 (重新审核新民主党的现行教育资金拨款,确保城市与乡村学校都能提供均等的教育,并着手审视班级过大的问题)* K, c0 ?: o" E. X" t
School boards are urging all parties to fund for increased enrolment. Rural school boards with declining enrolment are encouraging the provincial government to increase funding for rising transportation costs and infrastructure maintenance.
% R! z3 f2 _' q* _4 \# VUrban school boards want parties to fund for increased enrolment.
9 H8 U0 z. x5 [# aThe NDP has promised to fund for new enrolment.. Z( z* A: B+ x4 f0 L* H* X
Kenney has said he will review the current funding formula to ensure that rural schools have adequate resources to "deliver programs in an equitable way." Kenney also said he will do a comprehensive audit to determine what has happened to previous funding targeting class size.
3 t: W8 l' V( Y" W9 P8 i  ^
; c0 c5 }5 p$ q0 t& `; D- rRemove principals from ATA bargaining unit 校长不再是教师协会会员,以便学校的管理* x& S% X0 R4 g
The United Conservative Party has said taking principals out of the ATA would result in better school management.* C8 i8 z7 M1 Z- D( `' I
Right now, principals and teachers are members of the ATA.1 g2 |: H# i: c; F. N
Jeffrey said currently it's less like a management-employee relationship and more of a collaborative approach to learning.) K/ i- [- g/ ?' o) _) I  T6 @+ w
Principals are responsible for budgets and operation of their individual schools, and performance of teachers.* G! R6 d+ [$ Q% l3 T2 F" B6 Z
# W' l5 @- S' D+ ]
Gay-straight alliances 同性恋学生会问题 (保留现行学生组织现状,但是家长有知情权)6 A+ n$ Z7 M0 U/ g, k" B# y
A UCP government would proclaim the Education Act (2014) and honour provisions contained in the act, such as the creation of gay-straight alliances.8 `: {: Q3 k  h, O
It would not recognize the amendment to the School Act, passed by the NDP government in 2017, that prohibits teachers from telling parents their child belongs to a GSA.- P4 ?6 G1 a# I

) ^3 H  N/ P2 F! ^就此您的意见如何?在教育问题上,您支持联合保守党执政吗?
鲜花(34) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2019-3-29 10:24 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(19) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2019-3-29 11:14 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(22) 鸡蛋(2)
发表于 2019-3-29 11:25 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
鲜花(23) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-29 13:14 | 显示全部楼层
中国嫩炮 发表于 2019-3-29 11:25
# {2 W$ C6 V% d$ H) _# O5 O反对。去女更衣室不方便,去TRC摸别人不方便。

  }0 R$ i5 m& c8 E) o: M, m& b$ {
鲜花(23) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2019-3-30 14:20 | 显示全部楼层
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