埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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发表于 2019-4-26 11:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 房屋信息发布 于 2019-4-30 13:18 编辑 2 W; E1 a/ u6 _3 H7 |

# b) `; B& y  V% w地址:Edmonton
. b8 F' C. N/ ^+ R
8 \9 L. O: B" `! O& q售价:$58,0001 M# Z" e" W; e/ V
& r- ?3 m6 ?/ J5 z$ `( ]1 h( O( a4 n
- |6 Z, @, [) \1 |% U3 R; F
( F9 ?+ y" B4 r, g9 khttp://www.fanyangteam.com4 T- Z4 g! r! U+ _- c+ W9 o1 M
8 L6 P! e) o# o" p& K7 R1 R+ M' D
好房详情请点击:, e7 _4 H+ N2 g) S/ i. k

+ B0 K' D8 L0 ]- whttps://www.fanyangteam.com/for-sale/E4153487
$ k- C5 H# w7 U" v) J  O
8 T( w0 a% G9 n# L: z
1 H: P6 y/ i7 v4 [  T4 B% M
0 d  j  Q0 @* }2 H/ z, m虚拟游戏旺店,诚意出售!易于经营,便于打理,人力要求极少!全套先进的设备和系统,带给玩家非凡的游戏体验,熟客众多,收入稳定、潜力无穷!黄金位置,临近 Whyte 大道,周围没有同类商业,独树一帜,没有竞争对手!优质商机,是时候——自己做老板!
6 m" }1 K* Y  c7 }
  g$ ]# U: r, S- L$ VIncredible virtual realty gaming business with great potentials. This is an easy business to operate with everything set up to go, and only minimum labour is required. Nevertheless, with advanced systems and state-of the-art equipment , this virtual land can offer an incredibly fun and interactive gaming experience everyone can enjoy. It is time to enjoy escaping into another new world!!!!! The established business is located near the busy Whyte ave with no similar competitive business nearby. This is your opportunity to own an easy managing business. Get it now before someone else does.
# z& _- Q1 s! p4 y9 f9 p# x5 F% f+ h, B2 B, }$ _) M8 t1 G
% v: b8 l$ v) U" R6 n
6 Y. q1 }# `* ^0 R- c/ F  O' p
$ N4 z! L1 D! A* a6 c
8 O/ p  ~0 n1 @0 b3 l

* i$ A8 P6 C4 D+ ~
2 G2 Q: Z0 s  a: v# j* }' b" ~  w& R  A0 t
) t' L1 C+ a' B

2 `" S7 ?; `7 m/ z' W* T8 `& U
6 g+ G" `. J! V; w+ |" r
& F* H( I8 O! G- M" S& m* w
  y6 q2 h: |$ d! m$ Q
/ g2 D5 y1 M) v! Y9 ~
) w; C6 j" H* c
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