埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-6-11 09:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
! J& r3 `6 J" a" P/ H$ V2 E% ~: g3 n$ _& M* B7 a
i have to write in english because there is no way to input chinese words right now.
: g! v' D% e; d0 U4 ]" i0 E6 j
! X' Q, u, {2 E% j( B7 R  si am a nursing student in montreal, with my family, my son is 12 years old. i want to move to Edmonton, but i am afraid there will be problem for me to find a job, my diploma in montreal is in french, i am learning in french for two years. but my english is better. & b) c4 `3 r& U8 y
& i4 U7 o8 w- }6 B: T( B: h
would you like to give me some advices, thanks for any kind of information.
! y3 ^5 G9 m8 p) H  r4 g$ b
5 w- |. ~! j' }9 S; h, shave a good weekend.
鲜花(115) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-6-11 11:07 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by nature at 2004-6-11 12:01 PM:
( l/ \9 x3 R# ?hello,
) W1 K6 [1 O# p( k6 b5 g$ _7 M1 \8 s0 t1 I" U
i have to write in english because there is no way to input chinese words right now.
' ?9 v  q( b0 a8 m% u# I% E7 u0 b/ a) i5 i8 [
i am a nursing student in montreal, with my family, my son is 12 years old. i want to move to Edmo ...
% \2 @3 t7 C- ^3 G

! ^& }9 h8 c( L3 G# I& y, VYou said your Engilsh is better than Franch .
6 A" y6 k7 I3 b7 i! W9 x! k7 C! H" w" C  G
So, it's good to look for a  job on government . It's nice because you know English,French and Chinese .
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