埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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开放日(OPEN House)2-4pm9月29日(周日)Jackson Heights四卧双卫优雅半跃美宅!

鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2019-9-16 10:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 房屋信息发布 于 2019-9-25 11:18 编辑 4 I% k: z, v2 b2 ^1 K

1 ~( n& u1 f$ ~5 j' T) _/ b地址:830 JOHNS CL NW
% ?3 e) e7 U! k9 w" ?
1 r2 A0 y) a0 Q6 i售价:$315,000, Q2 V9 P( q: C" |* a' V
* k6 v# p( D+ n1 }
联系方式:老杨团队 & R  _" N! H! _  Q7 j/ L

) H- B1 n2 y7 i! _) V' Q8 p, rhttp://www.fanyangteam.com
/ X7 w8 |  A4 B7 G6 R/ `* s3 w; p3 m
' c8 ~7 e& C0 r- {: Y( x) M. B, m1 M5 C" c/ Q) O
https://www.fanyangteam.com/for-sale/830-JOHNS-Close--E4173788  ~: L3 N9 H, Z) x
9 R4 {' o' S5 I- S" L, ~  R% }/ @
7 c; c2 X+ R$ e  M" R
7 ~1 `: r" L: O
Jackson Heights四层半跃美宅!坐落在一处安静的钥匙圈,全屋精心维护,便利宜居!好房提供1323.97平尺宜居空间,主层配备了宽敞明丽客厅、超大明窗、采光充沛!功能性厨房设有独立就餐区。楼上就餐区设有三间卧室、4pc卫浴间。第三层配备了客厅,9尺天花挑高通透,燃气壁炉温馨舒适。Walkout好房设有独立门可直达后院超大甲板。整装地下室另有一间卧室、3pc卫浴间。超大独立车库,让您的爱车停放无忧!
: t) `! T0 {; U8 ?* w: v1 P$ c# W, @8 `! d1 }" ~2 w) m
位置超便利!临近公园、学校、购物中心,驱车轻抵Whitemud Drive。新近升级了全新窗户,潜力好房、欢迎约看!
! o& L& h/ k, x* V2 Q0 s  w8 z: c* D1 q5 ^+ p; F& L8 `3 d
This well kept 4 level split family home located in a quiet cul-de-sac in Jackson heights. Total 1323.97 sq ft in 3 levels! Main level features spacious and bright living room with large bay window, functional kitchen with a separate eating area. Upper level offers 3 bedrooms and 4pc bathrooms. Enjoy the delightful family room in the third level with 9ft ceiling and a cozy gas fireplace. This level is WALKOUT. There is a door leading to the large deck. Fully finished basement has an additional bedroom with 3pc en-suite. Over sized single detached garage. Close to park, schools, shopping and easy access to Whitemud Drive. Recent upgrade including new windows. Quick possession available!, k* o3 ~. ]9 B/ `
" E& [& t; P' u5 e9 J% ]( Y1 C
' m/ ^) E. r* t9 v

! z/ H& H! b; n0 ^" f9 V3 R# G% v2 b3 A, A6 x. c
$ m1 w. o4 V8 H( ~6 k6 G, ?
& b" I6 B4 q. M! Q  u: Z

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2 }/ I! x- `& t& j6 q$ j6 }+ u1 o1 r# s

9 A/ @2 W5 ^+ z: t5 ?2 c* {* J: N
( c, j! H# [. }8 _  Q4 |
+ O4 `/ b4 Y/ Z) Z8 J1 T
# b5 a. ^+ r5 m* ~3 c
  x/ w! r1 W' Z$ P% B

: k* L3 T. M' l6 i) f7 ]; n1 w' C
  w& f! J+ w  z; m) Q. w$ G9 m0 f8 C0 `* T6 c9 S# M$ l
& `4 `  L/ o$ w

- r0 ]; _+ N7 ?2 l- f# z6 @1 R- Y

, \9 m$ q# \9 J0 f2 J$ A
9 a9 ]$ R) f" U/ z# O  c, e! C: P$ z0 U. \/ M
; G# R5 O! N# T8 G, j1 H8 I6 V1 ?! Q1 m

1 _+ b  a( |/ k8 L" |. |  e
8 D) ^1 F. R7 m" X4 u/ L
鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2019-9-25 10:18 | 显示全部楼层
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