埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[爱城新闻] 爱城中华文化中心将举办圣诞联欢餐舞会

鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2019-11-10 10:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 苏海 于 2019-11-10 09:52 编辑 3 A2 U2 f7 x3 O" i

$ f0 ^6 @& d2 G- u爱城中华文化中心为酬谢爱城华人社团多年的大力支持将于2019年12月8日下午6:00-11:00pm 举办圣诞联欢餐舞会. 购票及详情电话:780-424-8124/ [( N) t8 o- m7 m. T8 E' [# |
  J7 @, f: }- s. O  d$ A  @
) {/ i: d5 p$ D  [. {          9540-102 Ave NW6 N4 g7 ]- @( K, t
          Edmonton, AB, f, |) v5 L5 y* ^" |

) Q8 h/ q# r- u% D9 N+ W特邀 爱德蒙顿话剧团盛大首演
( ]( C3 A' P1 K: f- {     话剧片断及小品表演" {* F* _! y7 }! j1 t, [5 w) z8 v

" F; _$ U$ e0 K5 l; V! J7 V( S售票处:世界书局6 `, U% e- c4 O5 \
             10655 97 Street NW
7 _  d! ?; ~/ `              Edmonton, AB* @% `+ }5 l# s3 P9 V2 ^  }
% _* m+ G& v" z# [, ]4 }
             爱城中华文化中心+ x! @" o+ k. n
             9540-102 Ave NW
% s* Y9 J% [" ~2 ?3 z             Edmonton, AB
+ ?! q+ @1 z( B9 [) {: _# N- s7 r
% H; R  h9 u% g9 r3 u             夹炼成厨餐厅* G+ u8 e: N9 ]% [# w4 M$ g
             10346 University Ave" b7 T4 P% A3 k( B* U
             Edmonton, AB  X; N& P- ], ?% G. N

# h. w. U0 j4 ^# ]9 r" qAbout Edmonton Chinese Multi-Cultural Center
8 H  m7 S5 F( \( k3 _; \6 o& g3 K  G
Our Cultural Center was established in 1985 with objectives to preserve, promote and share all aspects of Chinese culture and heritage with Canadians. The Chinese programs and activities hosted by our Cultural Center help encourage the enthusiastic participation of Edmontonions and community members. The programs we provide include: weekend Chinese school, various lecture/seminar series, Tai Chi classes, arts and crafts, calligraphy, ESL for seniors, computer training, piano lessons and Chinese instrument lessons, social dance, and illusion rhythmic gymnastics amongst other recreational programs.3 M  Z- D7 J) O

5 H  {  d7 u9 _2 j/ mThe  Chinese Library is an important element in helping to create awareness of the Chinese culture in the community. It was created by a strong foundation of support from the three levels of government, hardworking volunteers and caring sponsors. This knowledge resource center facilitates those interested in laming Chinese and its culture, heritage, history, arts and economic development. Our Library is a trove of books, periodicals, and digital resources that provides a wealth of information to enrich the understanding and diversity of the Chinese culture.
  I6 H0 w" h( q9 l
, p' t0 R/ V' t- ^! t1 KWe have also taken on the new exciting projects to expand our Cultural Center to other Canadian communities . In cooperation with the Edmonton School Board, over 2000 Grade Six students were able to participate in our Chinatown Tour program. Of course, we also continue to foster our major annual projects, such as the Chinese New Year Extravaganza, the Heritage Day Festival and the community joint project of Capital Ex event. Our Cultural Center strives to be active in the welfare and goodness of the community and the society at large.
$ c& q, q  }* L" |; ?/ u$ P# p9 j
$ b$ L! p; ~# R( f$ q+ |' aWe are proud supporters of the Chinese Community and Alberta society-at-large and remain contributors to promoting our community's well-being./ F" ^& z' Z% `" G' E& {
/ w' q+ y8 p4 u) M9 L

2 |; N! B* Z! c" Y( V1 ]4 k% t
鲜花(8) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2019-11-10 11:00 | 显示全部楼层
这也是一个爱城华人社区的社交活动, 结交新朋友, 老朋友聚会,共同欢度圣诞,迎接新年!' R( b6 m6 P1 V8 P, E/ R
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2019-11-13 13:16 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(2) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2019-11-14 08:44 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
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