埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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发表于 2020-4-8 13:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 房屋信息发布 于 2020-5-4 15:36 编辑
) S+ A, Q  j  ~& L+ _  q. l3 ^4 M2 B. ?& W4 h- O* G( b
地址:1231 RUTHERFORD RD SW  V/ s) b" f' ^9 t+ E

% Y! f  t4 B% o, |6 h# d售价:$399,000
( e. o- D0 r, ]4 y( M, N& o/ k7 o" N4 ^2 p  }! B
联系方式:老杨团队 , Y. D/ F+ ]" n! f$ e" T
' B& S3 M8 F# L6 k' i4 M
http://www.fanyangteam.com1 m2 L: m/ S# o# Z$ _, ^7 A

# x9 v0 U8 d8 {- P2 g
/ I: z0 G+ ^5 I4 K! S) H- K. D, m! T4 e' t- s, ]! J4 X5 M( C1 Y) @8 ]  M
1 j, k# Y' U# l7 Z
# m2 T! c1 R) W3 m主层开放式设计,格局规整:超大客厅、美食厨房、宽敞就餐区、实用办公区一应俱全!缓步二楼,设有三间卧室和便利洗衣间,优雅主卧配备了超大可步入式一处和独立卫浴间。整装地下室新近粉刷,铺设了层压式地板,更多潜力空间,待君挥洒!" G. w1 a) x/ y
0 H4 C& o! p. A8 |$ o
成熟社区,设施齐全。步行可到 K-9学校和公交车站,驱车3分钟抵达216高速公路。真正房超所值,机不可失、欢迎垂询!
  G% a# N" f  P9 `5 V( O! ^, }8 j, C; p  M! ~; P
Double attached garage with a finished basement! Located in a convenient and quiet cul-de-sac, this single family home will offer you a lot of what you need. The super efficient layout gives you an open concept floorplan on main which includes a large living room, gourmet kitchen, generous dining area and even a very practical office space! There are three bed rooms on the second floor. The private master bedroom gives a big WIC and nice ensuite. The laundry room is also located on the second floor. The basement is finished with laminate flooring and newer paint. As left open, it still allows many potential for you to through your design into it. Matured community of Rutherford. Walking distance to the K-9 school and bus stops. 3 minutes onto Hwy 216. Why wait? The opportunity is knocking your door!' d" A$ Q5 _5 p- h( H
) c# U7 Y0 O9 O
  ]3 ]. M1 f, ~( w9 n/ \

3 }# w+ y. D: e5 M, g
- o# s8 S- X, S1 u" J: s: H/ _* j7 Q) n0 ^' }. C1 E6 b: u( f

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1 ]* ?: q0 o& x; o  w7 f0 _" Y( M4 h5 P0 B' [
4 q/ _; i: ^" |& S( x: _

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1 p) L" M  z1 }3 |- b( A

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" X0 f  z( H' G: L" k$ q
) P  T5 f& P" \5 |6 W9 d! c" S4 `% G7 v& C& @4 B: h
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