埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[招聘信息] 卡尔加里西人大厂招Plant accountant

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2024-2-5 18:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
: {* ?& ]4 @- K9 S. J+ V1 l: D2 v0 T( y3 d

  s* u9 v" |5 i; P, {$ lAssist in analytical report and financial analysis. Financial report and statement. Journey Entries.
- d6 F8 d- w% i7 V$ |( b0 HMonthly accruals for site. A/R and credit/collection. Monthly Mass balance waste calculation. . GL coding.  " Y+ h1 P* H4 x
HSF reconciliation to QAD. Yearly budget preparation.........
. E. Y5 D8 |9 u6 K% ?; [% i6 R' f" d2 j3 d
Qualification:  4 yr degree in bussiness or accounting and 1-3 yrs experience in MRP.  Or 2 yr diploma and 5-7 yrs experience in MRP.
- u4 K) y* p+ E' N/ |9 i) w
% M0 F2 v9 G9 q; Z/ C6 Jcontact: HR manager Sam Chhean,  schhean@hoodpkg.com ,  by Feb.8,2024& n8 a# ?* `# d/ [: `! d
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