埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2024-2-6 11:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
地址:#345 6079 MAYNARD WY NW
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http://www.fanyangteam.com% F( x" M) _9 J

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) c0 I4 g& }. X' V5 [! f& v' k爱城西南优质名区MacTaggart精致公寓!全屋提供1135尺宜居空间,时尚装修、实用格局,令人眼前一亮!, z, g' ~, j  m5 W
; R7 h# Y) i9 ?9 n& E$ L, F
步入室内,主层安装了富丽的硬木地板,9尺挑高天花板令人开阔舒展!房屋中心是宽敞厨房:整体升级订制橱柜、花岗岩台面、SS级电器、订制防溅墙等一应俱全!超大主卧设有可步入式衣橱、双洗手池、花岗岩梳妆台,更有双淋浴,浴室和超大洗衣间均采用12x24精美地砖,满足您一切舒适所需!4 S/ h) g5 q  l

5 P8 D1 [; e' v4 c阳光从西向阳台、大窗翩然洒落,全年提供良好采光!全屋空调,冬暖夏凉!好房坐落在riverbend顶级好区MacTaggart,周边步行道环绕,临近公园、池塘。商超、参观、公交站就在家门口。驱车轻抵Anthony Henday & Whitemud Drive。
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, _8 d; J* n( a9 \  U' Z% m5 a1 u顶配公寓,奢华精致、设施齐全!设有健身中心、会客厅、地下加热车库、存储笼等,周边海量访客停车位!临近各种生活便利设施!  o1 o- W, O4 y# P- I
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This 1135 SF 2 bedroom Waterstone condo located in a desired neighbourhood MacTaggart. You will be impressed with the rich HARDWOOD flooring & 9' ceilings as you enter this spacious layout. The gorgeous kitchen, at the heart of this home, features; many cabinet upgrades, GRANITE countertops, SS appliances & custom tile backsplash. Large master bedroom comes with WIC, double sinks, granite vanity & double shower. Crisp & stylish 12x24 floor tiling to bathrooms & huge laundry room. 9 s: Q1 }" W- x* a+ n0 D

. J$ d1 W! L) \7 y: JEnjoy the bright sunshine of the west facing windows/balcony all year long & the AC in summer! Located in the prestigious community of MacTaggart, you will have paved walkways, parks & a pond at your doorstep. Very close to shopping, restaurants, public transportation & easy access to Anthony Henday & Whitemud Drive. This HIGH END condo complex also includes; fitness centre, party room, guest suite, heated underground parking, storage cage & tons of visitor parking. This location is close to all amenities.
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