埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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发表于 2024-7-5 12:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
地址:#80 446 ALLARD BV SW
6 K* o+ T7 L5 W% k6 x  p
( ^. R8 `  F5 J+ X7 I售价:$279,800' I9 G# F/ D% M9 t; o: y

+ j' D8 v1 n# W9 x5 N( H1 _联系方式:老杨团队- ^9 Y* G& f/ v3 G
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http://www.fanyangteam.com+ d6 J9 j7 M7 O5 e- r6 N% i% A

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! K6 Y  e$ E. \) y: }& H3 _Allard优质排屋,超高性价比!6 b- y, x; m& z, N0 J7 e
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主层开放式设计,工艺地板足下生辉!宽敞的美食厨房中安装了全套不锈钢电器、石英台面。超大客厅是家庭休闲的不二之所。拾级而上,二楼两间宽畅卧室+LOFT舒展空间,亦可用于书房。- h6 V4 Z0 q4 L8 F- N0 ~2 D

+ N9 O  U8 L3 F( O( l( n好房位置优越!毗邻27acres绿化带,周边步行道环绕,可直达池塘、K-9 Dr. Lila Fahlman学校。周边操场、运动场等公共设施非常丰富,紧邻DR. ANNE ANDERSON高中、Blackmud Creek河谷,驱车轻抵Ellerslie road, Heritage town购物中心、未来LRT车站!便利直达41大道、QEII高速!& m9 q% b9 M# n( }
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Live & Love in Essential Allard! Modern & unique 2 storey Townhome in the family friendly community of ALLARD! This two bedroom, 1.5 baths unit boasts 1,000+ sqft, oversized single attached garage plus an extra parking stall in the driveway. Open concept on main floor with laminate flooring & spacious kitchen features stainless steel appliances and quartz countertop. Large living room is perfect for family entertaining. Upstairs you will find two spacious bedrooms & a loft area - perfect as a home office area. This complex is adjacent to 27 acres of park/green space with walking trail leading to the pond & K-9 Dr. Lila Fahlman School with skating rink, playground & sports fields. Close to DR. ANNE ANDERSON Senior High School, Blackmud Creek Ravine, Ellerslie road, Heritage town centre shopping & future LRT. Quick access to 41 AVE SW & QEII.
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