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万用句型I wonder/I was wondering…

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-11-20 11:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
这个句型简直是太好用了,我们的外国专家一下子就想出了三十个情景对话。它的意思是:“我不知道……;我想知道……;我在想”,可以用来表示委婉的请求;可以用来提出一个问题;也可以用来陈述对某件事不能确定。在口语中,表示请求时“I was wondering”比“I wonder”更常用。下面是我们的美国专家Josh写的关于这两者之间的区别:2 P$ Z! ^2 z; N$ z5 D- e( m
The difference between using “wonder” and “wondering” when asking a question is not a simple one.  In general, it is better to use “was wondering”. The idea with that word is that the speaker is indirectly asking a question.  If the speaker uses “was wondering” this implies that they had been wondering, and are now asking a question. If the speaker uses “wonder” this means that they are still in the act of wondering. The result is that Americans tend to use “wonder” when they are speaking what is on their mind at that moment. It is not really a question which needs to be answered. “Wondering”, on the other hand, means that the speaker has been thinking about something before he spoke and is now speaking in the hope that he will get an answer.! u9 h6 Y9 q; y( C9 i8 |4 N
) t. q* p$ u  O' u7 d# c' r) x

+ ]% R! e5 v5 v+ |, q. X4 j$ R请求Request) X* [& A" m& H0 p( I
1. A:  I was wondering if I could use your computer.0 t1 R# v" ]/ {# G4 P- ~% ?0 j
   我想知道能不能用一下你的电脑。5 ~' G8 r7 Y) I0 p, U: ?! T/ f. H3 g
B:  That shouldn’t be a problem. I’m not using it this afternoon.
$ _- s& W' C* ?3 f应该没问题,今天下午我不用。( I. w; b6 t; ?+ k; R

% ?: D$ O3 _8 K) q% R2 t2. A:  I was wondering if I could borrow your car tomorrow.2 Y+ g. ]/ T1 @6 A: ]3 O. B: J! w
: r, K: `. o( l# oB:  Sure, I just need it back by 7 o’clock.6 e+ J$ _! z# g' _: a5 G
当然可以,只要七点钟之前给我就行。) T. ^+ H8 t' i7 K9 G
' D* m: L3 r, b$ C+ G& P6 e' y
3. A:  I was wondering if you could give me some information about places to visit in the area?
! j$ E, ^: A) I7 K; c   你能不能帮我推荐一下这一带比较好玩的地方?: h, t: U+ `9 Z, f5 N
B:  Sure. What sort of places are you interested in?3 o) z9 v# M& o1 b% e: J
当然可以。你喜欢什么样的地方?3 i- E  p9 o( h% q3 u0 `
1 c' {  H% ^% x2 i# t1 y, x% Y
4. A:   I was wondering if I could come over later.
8 R) O: S( a1 s& ]我在想稍后我能不能过来。
0 o% e8 c$ o) C0 h6 J6 QB:  That should be okay. What time?6 b. i7 j  C4 a
应该没问题。什么时候来?  g! X: u7 S' D" W* n

  M+ y  W3 W& n9 |3 k- ]- V1 P' e5. A:  I was wondering if we could take a break.2 I# J8 c, t6 n) \
9 F0 ~, |1 C9 ], B. h1 w: v5 w5 NB:  Good idea. Everyone is probably tired by now.- S5 n* {: S2 H% p& X
! w  p* O& s. ^" {3 L' \+ S- O/ @7 O9 I4 ?: Y) u; L
6. A:  I was wondering if you could give me a hand with this.5 R  o% J7 W. f+ P0 Q
8 k" U8 P. p/ VB:  No problem. I’ll see what I can do.1 E( J3 K& X# {" @4 y4 w" w: s
6 w/ A, k& Q2 Y7 z
. Q0 T% s7 ]8 c( \问题Questions. K( e5 M: i8 E1 e
7. A:  I was wondering if you were busy Saturday night., Q7 f5 S4 ~* l/ e: F: i2 H  r0 Y
( `3 Z  a2 h# B, @, RB:  No, I don’t think I have any plans. Why do you ask?' y0 ?- Z/ n" m7 r6 [& i
不忙,我想我没什么安排。你问来干嘛?5 k( @1 s- Z7 E( l# b9 i" \
# f9 J8 X7 h! E* u8 D
8. A:  I was wondering if you could tell me how to get to Howard Street.
7 Z+ Z! L' F0 H) j3 ^  A我不知道你能不能告诉我怎么去霍华德街。8 n# w# N2 R. {' O7 }* X
B:  I’m sorry. I’m not from here. I don’t know./ [9 z' e; z! t2 c
对不起,我不是这儿的。我不知道。2 Z. l4 D2 ?6 V+ i8 l( G8 T' ]
6 u  b& R. d- f% [0 a5 H' f
9. A:  I was wondering if you could tell me where the bus station is.4 r- B' d7 @9 D. ~0 n& @
我不知道你能不能告诉我汽车站在哪儿。5 u( d+ G! h/ S' s% w5 E
B:  Sure. It’s about two blocks that way and then turn left. You can’t miss it.
  S; b! h1 L! T: j1 d# @) g, x没问题。沿着这个方向走大概两个街区,然后左转。你一定会看到的。
; e3 D+ }3 M# r& ^! C* R* }" g/ z0 ^& [# Z; I) F7 g
10. A:  I was wondering what to do about dinner.
2 d6 j9 F8 ~8 e/ x, S我不知道晚饭做什么。; J: I2 F+ B# C  S9 S
B:  I was in the mood for Chinese food.2 h4 U& z% M/ {' k' ^
# {+ O& Z+ |6 M( P+ l' [" E/ ?+ Y
2 V. C3 K, [0 T' w2 |11. A:  I was wondering how to get to the stadium., R+ X" A2 S% E) L. P
* {* _+ G8 b! R" S2 \/ AB:  You just take Howard Street up to Clay Street and turn right.
: C& W2 r, n% C5 B) B沿着霍华德街一直走到克雷街,然后右转。
- G# i; u' O: @! a" s5 `$ G8 s1 w, A% |3 z; G) [
12. A:  I wonder what he’s thinking.
, w: L* X" [+ t9 u: V8 D3 k我不知道他在想什么。
! I6 A5 |7 ?- XB:  There’s no telling.= You never know. ! J& Z3 H" _+ Y, l' P+ G
6 e. d0 D* e. f4 G* c8 r5 N7 J5 s5 o5 _# W4 ?/ V
13. A:  I was wondering if you knew how to change a tire.
/ m# _- l- D6 E3 \: R我想知道你会不会换轮胎。
* D' i! b: \4 L, ~B:  No, I’m not the guy to ask.6 r8 z9 q0 |7 e
4 @0 o$ F2 C* }- J
" W4 C( W6 d2 ?14. A:  I wonder why he said that at dinner.
+ u/ _: q  n0 H# o我不知道他吃饭时为什么那么说。
: v& @/ L$ ^" y' I  VB:  I think he thought he was being funny.
- x1 x0 y4 Q/ Y; L1 j我想他只是觉得自己有趣吧。
: q7 T3 o0 Q/ g0 `" V# u4 U( c. d# \) ?$ x% r
15. A:  I wonder why he is upset.0 i6 i5 B* o0 P$ d$ e9 p: M9 f
+ A+ p; {# p( kB:  He’s probably just in a bad mood.
0 k: K# y  I1 K2 x3 D; |也许他只是心情不好。: \7 H% b9 K3 y4 o7 F4 i( U
& {2 A# s: n4 B! n& x! u& Z$ |
16. A:  I was wondering what to do with this extra food.
6 t7 J3 q& K; j% p0 z( F我不知道这剩下的食物该怎么办。( J" i5 S" x- x. ?  ~' g3 R( S, S
B:  Just wrap it up and put in the refrigerator.
) j' r) m2 X$ b! T% {4 y包起来放在冰箱里。9 i, D+ P5 H. r+ {) e, S
* l9 O9 `1 g/ Z, m3 C! x* ?
17. A:  I wonder why this coffee is so bad.
4 v2 S5 [' [# [/ g: S2 N% f. C( T我想知道这咖啡怎么这么糟糕。
. i: |% F0 q8 Z+ L+ x9 lB:  I think it’s just old.
% S; C. U6 d" G* k- O  h: L7 @我想它是陈咖啡。
& w9 S- ?+ v  x& L/ }" W8 x
. q) Q4 y! B* p" L陈述Statements3 l" w9 v! F0 h3 N$ b
18. A:  I wonder if I can learn to speak good English in a year.
4 I4 q; A, F9 R* V. l我不知道能否在一年内学会说一口流利的英语。/ b! j) |* t0 b; q% G' W3 X
B:  It will be a lot easier if you use Crazy English.: k7 _+ X0 B8 {# }9 h8 @
( E4 ^* s1 u7 _* y. U5 N! L6 X
) W( [6 @0 j; B  ?  a, ~19. A: I wonder if it will rain today.( ~# z1 u9 K! }' N9 J2 Q
我不知道今天会不会下雨。& ?$ j% L; ]8 [. T6 J* S6 @
B:  It sure looks like it.
$ d/ Y7 m! x9 T7 C3 ]. T# Q看起来会。% T! b! Z2 e2 A" x# t; \
1 @5 j$ C( v1 N  _/ h3 K" e# y0 P
20. A:  I wonder if I will ever finish this report.
; O: L* t# N. R6 Z6 M, Q3 |我不知道我到底能不能完成这份报告。  r/ Z% y9 ?: s* C, e
B:  You won’t if you keep complaining about it.: h. @+ B7 u& ?! @+ A
$ }- Q' s% _7 [$ N9 j, j
7 j3 p6 m, N% R3 w4 P* U/ W& ~21. A:  I wonder how this movie is going to end.8 N2 P& E( L" u: }# P$ O" E) @% i
& H) h/ p) X1 m  n' N6 b) ?B:  There’s no telling.
' X6 j# x9 }- O" E. C/ W" s很难说。9 ?# }* P0 z9 Q
$ Y  A, [& A0 U% s% e8 j
22. A:  I wonder why the bus is so late.: ^4 y1 W+ [& H$ k
8 m9 T* z) A3 {1 u5 x8 J2 d! T- _B:  It’s probably stuck in traffic.
: {9 u* I3 F: z) c1 |) t也许碰上交通堵塞了。2 W) G* t3 l. C/ M+ W* q
/ K+ u' _) D/ }) }$ c+ s
23. A:  I wonder what is keeping him.( E8 P: w0 v7 x$ G0 q; I
我想知道他怎么还没来。! w! @6 Q* \& p) U
B:  Who knows? He’s always late." ]0 r3 |3 T2 ]! k
* k* t) t0 Z; m: h$ t: _) U9 Q
2 [8 b" T0 S- _, n4 x  i6 k24. A:  I wonder if I will like this book.
$ I! R# Q0 N9 D- V7 q我不知道我会不会喜欢这本书。3 d  b- G% R. O& K5 C4 f5 A/ g1 h% Q
B:  Maybe. I know I enjoyed it.
8 a  }; ~6 _* [也许吧。我知道我很喜欢。
" p# D- X9 K' m* c. n  x* ^) w# U
- B. y, h/ M/ Y  F3 x5 i: }' @25. A:  I wonder what’s for dinner.
+ u# m0 n+ k1 w我不知道晚上吃什么好。4 x0 C2 L) W# N# W
B:  I don’t know, but I’m hungry.% q2 Y. v: j* m0 r* @( w$ H% h
我也不知道,但我饿了。+ K3 K" s* H: `) V& d
) B" X- E4 H; U* r5 u- g6 N
26. A:  I wonder why it’s so quiet.
. T2 r* e; j" Z# a$ r真奇怪,这儿怎么这么静啊。
6 q5 U& u) p. L/ B7 ]8 M: z( vB:  I know. It’s creepy.2 @( `( B4 q# ~2 Z* L$ o* `' r) L' E
是啊,真让人毛骨悚然。! r+ r" v' F% L' i

. x8 H, _0 u( _  R7 c9 d- M27. A:  I wonder what we should do tonight.7 C, d" @3 M7 O4 L
# \0 q& l4 Z6 SB:  Maybe we should go see a movie.
! J; z; ^9 V% V! s  H! @5 Q也许我们去看场电影吧。3 v/ n0 H% P& L& E) D8 B

9 f! K% _0 ^% A+ k3 D28. A:  I was wondering what to do today.
# A, d# ]* S. y# ]' H$ E我不知道今天做什么。' b5 O& v; J9 r: ~
B:  I’m going to the zoo. Maybe you would like to come with me.
" x, G/ n; k4 y我要去动物园。也许你愿意跟我一块儿去。( g; F9 U1 {; h5 O! A+ S* H5 U
4 w8 {5 c) }3 j% Z
29. A: I wonder when we’ll have a vacation this year.8 k) q+ m; V8 t6 c2 X+ p; G$ S
我在想今年我们什么时候去度假。/ E1 c5 P& |! y5 J+ d
B:  I was thinking the same thing.) w9 V# ]  I! @0 S9 i/ I! G
我也在想这事。  d$ N, O# J# D( D* f
4 u7 f  w6 |. f$ k6 J" z6 X
30. A: I wonder who is at the door.
4 _# f: S# v2 ]& D6 I: B我想知道谁在门口。8 [" i; {7 i$ i1 k8 n
B:  Why don’t you get up and find out?
9 G9 w6 ]$ f5 e那你干嘛不自己起来看一看呢?
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-11-20 12:15 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-11-22 11:43 | 显示全部楼层


鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2004-11-23 23:01 | 显示全部楼层
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